Working Paper & Resolution Guide

The following page provides details for how to produce a working paper and a draft resolution as well as tips/guidance for which components to include in your working paper. 

Note that at AMUNI II, the UN General Assembly Plenary is only allowing 5 total working papers to become draft resolutions during our two committee sessions. You are strongly encouraged to collaborate with other delegates to produce comprehensive working papers/resolutions.

For a working paper to be considered by the Dais for approval, it requires at least 15 sponsors and/or signatories (Sponsors will vote yes on the final resolution; signatories are only indicated their support for the idea of the resolution but are not obligated to vote yes). 

To submit a working paper for consideration/approval by the Dias, please email it in Google Doc form (using the template and guidance below; with sharing enabled for those with the link permitted) to 

Working Papers must be submitted no later than 2:30pm for consideration by the Dais

Working Paper Template

The document below is a template of the working paper. A sample working paper Is on this page If you need Inspiration! 

Note: info provided in italics is guidance and should not be included in a submitted working paper--only the bolded content should be included in the header.

Working Paper XX [name/number to be assigned by Dais]

Committee: [insert the relevant committee that you are representing; e.g. General Assembly Plenary]

Subject: [insert a specific one-sentence description of your working paper content; think of this as a short-hand cue for what your working paper will address compared to other working papers]

Sponsors: [insert the official names of member-states that have agreed to sponsor your working paper because 1) they have provided specific language or an idea incorporated into the working paper and 2) they agree to vote in favor of the working paper in its current form]

Signatories: [insert the official names of member-states that have agreed to be signatories of your working paper because they would like to have the document be introduced to the floor for debate, but they are not required to support it or vote yes]

Instructions for Preparing Working Papers and Draft Resolutions

Working Papers

The final results of discussion, writing and negotiation are working papers that can become draft 

resolutions—written suggestions for addressing a specific problem or issue. Working Papers are 

expected to follow the specific format discussed below, including perambulatory and operative 

clauses. Once approved by the Dias, a working paper will be announced as a Draft Resolution.

Draft Resolutions

Draft resolutions are all resolutions that have not yet been voted on. Delegates write draft 

resolutions usually as a single country (or in conjunction with other countries). There are three 

main parts to a draft resolution: the heading, the preamble and the operative section. The heading 

shows the committee and topic along with the resolution number. It also lists the draft 

resolution’s sponsors and signatories (see below). Each draft resolution is one long sentence with 

sections separated by commas and semicolons. The subject of the sentence is the body making the 

statement (e.g. the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, or Security Council). The 

preamble and operative sections then describe the current situation and actions that the committee 

will take.

Preambulatory Clauses

The preamble of a draft resolution states the reasons for which the committee is addressing the 

topic and highlights past international action on the issue. Each clause begins with a present 

participle (called a preambulatory phrase) and ends with a comma. Preambulatory clauses can include:

Some Preambulatory Phrases:

Operative Clauses

Operative clauses identify the actions or recommendations made in a resolution. Each operative clause begins with a verb (called an operative phrase) and ends with a semicolon. Operative clauses should be organized in a logical progression, with each containing a single idea or proposal, and are always numbered. If a clause requires further explanation, bulleted lists set off by letters or roman numerals can also be used. After the last operative clause, the resolution ends in a period.

Some Operative Clauses

Working Paper Sample

Working Paper xx [Assigned by Dias]

United Nations General Assembly Plenary

Sponsors: United States, Austria and Italy [countries are only examples]

Signatories: Greece, Tajikistan, Japan, Canada, Mali, the Netherlands and Gabon Topic: 

“Strengthening UN coordination of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies” [Topic is only an 


The General Assembly,

Reminding all nations of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of 

Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent dignity, equality and inalienable rights of all global 

citizens, [use commas to separate preambulatory clauses]

Reaffirming its Resolution 33/1996 of 25 July 1996, which encourages Governments to work with UN 

bodies aimed at improving the coordination and effectiveness of humanitarian assistance,

Noting with satisfaction the past efforts of various relevant UN bodies and nongovernmental 


Stressing the fact that the United Nations faces significant financial obstacles and is in need of 

reform, particularly in the humanitarian realm,

1. Encourages all relevant agencies of the United Nations to collaborate more closely with 

countries at the grassroots level to enhance the carrying out of relief efforts; [use semicolons to 

separate operative clauses]

2. Urges member states to comply with the goals of the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs to 

streamline efforts of humanitarian aid;

3. Requests that all nations develop rapid deployment forces to better enhance the coordination of 

relief efforts of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies;

4. Calls for the development of a United Nations Trust Fund that encourages voluntary donations 

from the private transnational sector to aid in funding the implementation of rapid deployment 


5. Stresses the continuing need for impartial and objective information on the political, economic 

and social situations and events of all countries;

6. Calls upon states to respond quickly and generously to consolidated appeals for humanitarian 

assistance; and

7. Requests the expansion of preventive actions and assurance of post-conf    stance

through reconstruction and development. [end resolutions with a period]

Tips for Producing Working Papers/Draft Resolutions

may have a slightly different format.

how it will be funded and what body will manage it.

can take the action suggested. For example, the General Assembly can’t sanction another country – 

only the Security Council can do so.

many delegates contribute ideas.

precedents and statements about the purpose of action.

explain what the committee will do to address the issue.